First Day of School

20 08 2008

My 14-year old got on the bus this morning for his first day of public school after having been educated at home since the first grade.  It went well.  He was up ridiculously early…5am! LOL  I wonder how long that’ll be the routine?  When I got up at 6:15 to make his breakfast and pack his lunch, he had taken out the dog, fed her, showered, dressed and was packing his lunch himself.  I made all of us a hot breakfast and then he headed out the door.  I handled it fine 🙂  I almost had a moment after he hugged me goodbye – but I didn’t 😉

Yesterday was very frustrating trying to have school with my 5th grade daughter with him at home.  He interrupted worse than a two-year old all day long – it was God helping me deal with his leaving today 🙂  My daughter and I are having a quiet, productive school day so far (despite her grumpies from staying up too late every night for the Olympics and having to get up so early this morning). 

The guys wanted to play disc golf last night, so we got another shot at finding two letterboxes that we attempted earlier, in the same area as the course.  One we simply couldn’t try for because its suspected location was crawling with people, and the other, we just couldn’t find.  The clues were a bit vague, so we gave it another try.  No luck.  After searching every place that even came close to matching the clue description, we gave up.  The other box was not tried for again, because again the area was swarming with people.  <sigh>  Another day, another try 🙂

My son had to turn in a paper on the first day (today) for the honors English class.  I had been worried about how/where to draw the line on helping him with it.  I’ve been teaching him for all these years, but I didn’t want to “grade” the paper before he turned it in – that just doesn’t seem right, but I figured he’d ask for a proofreading of it.  I was determined not to over-do it.  Oh, but teenagers 😉  I don’t know why I worried.  He wanted to read it to me several times as it progressed, but he did not want any specific advice – just my overall opinion.  And when I suggested that if he stumbles on the wording when reading it aloud that he should consider changing the wording for a better flow…the attitude came out.  When the computer printer “wasn’t working” (because he’d clicked Print apparently a dozen times and confused it), and I couldn’t help but notice a word that had an apostrophe “s” instead of the plural form (one of my pet peeves) and pointed it out to him…the attitude came out.  So heck with him, I said to myself – he’s on his own!  I guess that’s the best way for him to learn, anyway.  Parenting is so darn frustrating, sometimes! LOL

I’m getting very close to finishing a letterbox series I’ve been working on for a couple of months.  This week, I’m hoping to have time to put covers on all the logbooks (they are all already codex-bound).  This weekend and next week, I’m going to try to carve the last three stamps and decide whether or not to mount them all, and start on that.  My goal is to have the entire series ready to plant by the end of the month.  I’ll let you know how that goes 😀

Well, K is ready for me to read our Read-Aloud, “Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze” – an excellent read!  I get to read all these wonderful books twice, since the kids’ grade level is too far apart to study the same material.  So that’s all for now, folks!