Call me “Dragging Butt”

23 02 2010

I made very good progress with the treadmill declaration for a week.  I have VangoNotes for Medical Terminology, and they last roughly a half-hour for each chapter, so it was very nice to study and exercise at the same time.  I got on the treadmill for four days out of the five weekdays.  I took off on Saturday, with the intention of hitting the treadmill on Sunday, but it never happened.  Here’s the deal:

I went to church Sunday morning, volunteering for one service and staying to attend the next, as usual.  By the time the second service ended, that little headache that developed at some point that morning had turned into a monster.  I was feeling the raw, dull pain, experiencing a slight sensitivity to the light and noise, and began to tense up in fear of what this could turn into.  We went to my brother’s for a visit, and out to see the new house he’s building in the country.  Before we left I was having waves of nausea that came and went mysteriously, and the pain was worsening.  Despite it, I really enjoyed getting to visit with them and see the house, which had progressed a very long way since I’d seen bare acreage!  We drove the hour home and I went straight to bed.

My honey and the kids went to the store to get a few things and brought back some ibuprofen for me.  I took 800 mg  and laid back down.  I stayed there until my mom and grandpa arrived to spend the night before catching an early flight.  When I got up to welcome them I was feeling much better, with just that foggy threatening ache in the background.  The next morning, and for part of the next day, that foggy ache taunted me and kept me from engaging in study or tv, which may have invited the entire thing to go into reverse and put me back in bed.  I had no choice but to take two tests during this time, but I had already prepared for them, so it was just a matter of getting online long enough to take the exams.

Needless to say, I wasn’t on the treadmill for Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.  Wednesday came, and I did manage to get on the treadmill.  Thursday, I awoke to a sore throat, complete with congestion and cough, which I’m still recovering from.  I sound like a frog, and though I am fiercely working to catch up on the schoolwork that I neglected because of the headache, I am feeling better every day.

Why is it that a headache and cold (or sinus trouble, or something) has to invade me just when I’ve committed to exercise?  Of course, it would be unwise to exercise when I’m sick, so I am waiting it out until I don’t feel like my butt is dragging, and I’ll be back on the machine for a brisk walk every day.


Well I’ve got to study for a cumulative mid-term, so I’m going to get cracking!

The house is a wreck.


Global Warming? Yeah, right!

16 06 2009

We could use some of that “Global Warming” the crazies are talking about 🙂  This is the lousiest excuse for June in Kentucky that I have ever experienced!  It is NOT even hot…what’s up with that?  Pool parties are being rescheduled because it isn’t warm enough to swim…IN JUNE!!!

It’s very frustrating to one who has been pining for summer to get here!  We’re going to have to move south if this is any indication of what a “warming planet” does!  Frankly, I don’t think those guys have a clue about what the planet is doing. 

Subject change.

We’ve been FINALLY “officially” finished with school for four days now, and it still just doesn’t feel like summer break.  I’m not just referring to the weather (that isn’t helping, of course), but to my state of mind.  I guess I’ve been in fast-forward for so long…and there are just still lots of things that I have to do that feel like work, I guess.  The Girl Scout troop that is disbanding will be running through the summer, and I’ve been busy tying up those loose ends.  We’ve got four girls working on their Bronze Award Project, and a big trip planned for the end of next month, and a pool party to try to squeeze in (if we have a warm enough day without rain).  I’ve also been cleaning out closets, cabinets, drawers and bookshelves for a long overdue yard sale.  We spent most of last Saturday cleaning out the garage for that, too.  I’ll be glad when that is over and the big piles of stuff that are all over the house and in the garage are gone, and a bit of cash in hand takes its place.  I’m just having trouble mustering up that last measure of motivation needed to prepare for the sale this weekend…cleaning out some more spaces, making the kids clean out their spaces, picking up some boxes to display things like books in, organizing the sale stuff, putting an ad in the paper, picking up some signs…

<sigh>  Some sunshine would help.  I know it would.  I could use sitting in it on the patio as a reward for myself after getting some of this done.  (I know, I could use the lack of sunshine as good time to do these things while not having to feel like I’m missing out on the sunshine while I work – but that’s just not the way my brain works!)

I also acquired a new computer last week, and I’ve got all the file moving to complete, iTunes to organize, and upgraded software to get used to.  Where did that ability to “go up a folder” by clicking that little up arrow disappear to??  I have to use the back arrow!  Either they are wrong in thinking that’s an improvement, or I’m missing the better way they expect me to do it somehow…

Talkin’ out loud

24 07 2008

My head is so full of stuff….I’ve been extremely productive lately, and I still have a billion things I want to do before my motivation to “do” goes away 🙂  I’ve been carving stamps for my new letterbox series, cleaning the house, putting away fresh corn in the freezer, planning K’s 5th grade curriculum, thinking about the school calendar, trying to pick up Flylady habits, serving in the children’s ministry at church, tying up loose ends with some Girl Scout troop stuff, struggling to keep in touch with people, trying to learn about tree identification, some Spanish, and dabbling in other new topics, like web design and personality profiles, reminding myself that at some point I need to get back into the habit of regular exercise, thinking about writing a cooking curriculum, wishing I could make time to letterbox, looking at the landscaping that needs attention, trying to keep the laundry in check, floundering around with the public school system’s inability to get organized while suppressing the urge to scream and volunteer to help them better organize at the same time.

I’m out of breath.  Now that you know what I’ve been doing, you can appreciate why although I enjoy the dumping that I get to do on here, I really don’t have time to be consistent.  I also don’t get to keep up with other bloggers that much, so I sort of have to sit down and binge once in a while and catch up 😀

I’ve checked email today, unsubscribed from some things that I really just don’t spend time reading anymore, and decided to take a few minutes to “talk out” all that is on my brain, in hopes that it will get organized in there in the process.

My washer buzzed at me, my stomach is growling, and I’ve realized that I haven’t stopped to drink anything today!

I hope you don’t feel tired now 😀  Gotta go while I’ve still got go in me 😀