Wanna cut my head off!

8 07 2008

Oh, my gosh!  My head is hurting AGAIN!  I am soooo sick of getting a headache almost every single day!  I have way to much to do to have to deal with this $%(*#@&!!!  I’ve done so well, today, too, so far as getting crap done…

I came home from a weekend away with a ton of laundry (picked up J, who has been at Boy Scout camp all week- plus the dirty clothes from our weekend at my dad’s houseboat), and after a full day of stair-running to keep the clothes circulating from the hampers to the closets, I can see the bottom of all the baskets, as well as the hall floor 🙂 

Of course, my to-do list is always longer than life, and I had bigger goals than clean clothes for everybody today.  My head is just bursting.  And I still have dinner – which should’ve been thought about and begun already, and I had wanted to work on K’s 5th grade curriculum (really just customizing – I have most of it leftover from J), and I wanted a clean master bathroom, and a clean kitchen floor…

I’m gonna pop some Motrin and have a Raw Tea in lieu of cutting off my head, and try to come up with dinner.  I’ll do more than complain next time.  I’ve much in my head – which is probably the problem 😀